What you will find here are links to projects, publications, and repositaries related to the former.
Hello everyone! My name is Anna Maria Feriozzi.
I’m a student of the Master Course Language and Civilisation of Asia and Mediterranean Africa, Japanese curriculum at the University of Ca’ Foscari in Venice. I’m currently doing an exchange program as a Special Auditor at Hokkaido University in the Graduate School of Media, Communication and Tourism Studies. Besides Japanese language corses, I’m doing lectures such as Tourist Attractions, Art Tourism, Enviromental society and Search Strategies.
I finished last year a Bachelor’s Degree in Japanese Language, Culture and Societies and this gave me an understanding about international communication, Japanese cultural studies and linguistic studies. After finishing my Master course, I want to work as cultural and museum organizations, professions related to the organisation and promotion of cultural and artistic events and work for companies and organisations interested in the Asian and African Mediterranean markets. Tourism studies helped me to reach this goal.
With my job experiences I’ve gained experience in leading tour or park groups, in the publishing industry as publisher.
My journey in Japan has been one of the most meaningful experience of my life! I made so many memorable memories, the difficulties such as facing cultural and language differences made me grow as a person, I met many people that inspired me and I improved my language skills so much.
More things and links to come!